..    TO        DEFINE    :        WANDERING    ...         

weep, little lion man, you're not as brave as you were at the start. rate yourself and rake yourself. take all the courage you have left and waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head [ ... ] tremble for yourself, my man. you know that you have seen this all before. tremble, little lion man. you'll never settle any of your scores. your grace is wasted in your face. your boldness stands alone among the wreck now learn from your mother, or else spend your days biting your own neck.

.    TO        DEFINE    :        EONS ADRIFT    ...         



THE    WRITER    :                 AVALON.    they / them.    aroace.    28.        hi, i'm avalon! i started playing genshin impact back in 1.1 because i thought scaramouche was neat. mutuals are welcome to ask for my DISCORD while i go scrub off the clown makeup.


RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .    RULES .

SELECTIVITY    .            i'm not especially selective about who i choose to follow. original characters, multimuse blogs and crossovers are all warmly welcomed here. if i follow you, i will usually wait a week, then unfollow if you are active on the dash and have not followed back. no pressure; i'd just prefer to be mutuals only. i return follows quickly, as soon as i've had a chance to read your rules. however, please keep in mind this blog is strictly 18+. i am an adult and i'm not comfortable interacting with minors. standard dni criteria also applies; racists / homophobes / transphobes / proshippers / people who sexualize characters with the child model ( i.e. klee ) / etc. i'm not looking to attack anyone; it's for my own comfort. if i'm interacting with someone who fits that description, please tell me. i genuinely have no idea.



DUPLICATES    .            absolutely love them. i think it's very cool to meet people haunted by the same brand of scara-brainrot. definitely come plot with me; we don't need to do the standard twin-verse. the interactions could be really interesting! however, i know not everyone is comfortable with duplicates; i make it a point to check before following. you're welcome to follow first, and i'll assume that means you're fine with it.

ACTIVITY    .            when i get invested in a muse, i tend to be fairly high activity. there may be times when it dips a bit; i work and do freelance web design. even if i'm not actively posting, i'm more than likely lurking on the dash.



SHIPPING    .            with scaramouche? are you really sure you want to subject your muse to that? in all seriousness, i love shipping! i love writing interesting dynamics! however, i am not necessarily looking to write any new romantic ships at this time. apologies if this comes as a disappointment. i am still very interested in exploring other kinds of relationships! ( i.e. friends, found family, enemies and so on. )
please note i will not ship romantically with any kazuha other than milla's / momijiba.

TRIGGERS    .            i make it a point to tag all potentially triggering content "( trigger ) tw." if i miss something, please don't hesitate to tell me. on my end, i would appreciate it if you tagged animal abuse, animal death and mentions of dementia. all spoilers will be tagged "genshin spoilers" a week after the update comes out.
